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Pemba - Tanzania: The Classic Safari (7 days)

Tanzania: The Classic Safari

An ideal introduction to the thrills of a safari, this is a perfect itinerary for anyone looking to see the best of the best on a magical trip to Tanzania’s superb National Parks, considered by many wildlife and game aficionados to be among the best in Africa.

Day 1: Arrive at Arusha, on the edge of the Great Rift Valley, and transfer to your hotel. Overnight stay: Arusha

Day 2: Your safari adventure begins today as you set off early to Tarangire National Park. Famous for its baobab trees, large herds of elephant and excellent birdlife, the park provides a perfect introduction to game viewing in Africa. Overnight stay: Tarangire (Full Board)

Day 3: Spend a memorable morning on a game drive along the Tarangire River, the lifeline of the park. Continue to the Ngorongoro Highlands, arriving in time to catch spectacular sunset views across the famous crater. Overnight stay: Ngorongoro Highlands (Full Board)

Day 4: An early morning descent into the Ngorongoro Crater maximises your chances of spotting a range of species and witnessing a true wildlife spectacle in this unique sanctuary. The endangered black rhino can be seen here along with a host of other big game, including lion who are at their most active before the heat of the day takes hold. In the afternoon head off for the Serengeti National Park, with game viewing en-route. Overnight stay: Serengeti (Full Board)

Day 5: The world-renowned Serengeti supports a wide variety of wildlife, including the "Big Five" - lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino. Visually striking, the park stretches as far as the eye can see over rocky kopjes and grassy savannah plains. Spend a full day game viewing in this awe inspiring wilderness. Overnight stay: Serengeti (Full Board)

Day 6: Your safari continues as you drive to Lake Manyara National Park, which is known for its adventurous (yet elusive) tree climbing lions. Stop on the Rift Valley escarpment for breathtaking views over Lake Manyara, which teems with pink flamingos in the water below. This afternoon, enjoy a game drive. Overnight stay: Lake Manyara (Full Board)

Day 7: Time for a last minute game drive before heading back to Arusha in time for your flight home. Breakfast.

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